Empower your students with relevant, building-based tech learning
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Stimulus Funding for Upgrading Schools
Maximize your school’s government grants with a custom spending strategy.
Your federal funds can benefit your school’s facilities and students for generations—but only if you use them before they expire. No matter your logistical requirements or roadblocks for getting started, Trane is your guide for understanding what your funding can best go towards. This page is the first step in navigating the sources of funding for schools, what your funding can be spent on and how to get started.
Your federal funds can go towards more future-forward school facilities and optimal student experiences, with a few notable differences between the different types:
Your government funding is an incredible opportunity to fulfill the most pressing needs of your school, including:
A custom spending strategy with Trane allows you to prioritize which of these matter the most, through your choice of individualized programs, solutions and services:
Empower your students with relevant, building-based tech learning
EXPLORE STEM PROGRAMSReduce carbon emissions while creating a more efficient building
EXPLORE DECARB STRATEGIESOptimize your spaces for greater student and staff well-being
Having enough money in your budget: Trane can be your partner on cost-effective spending measures for school improvement grants, including:
Flexible financing structures and payments to help make project costs manageable
Contact Us About Private FundingWorking with our group purchasing organization, Omnia® Partner, to save money, vet business partners and simplify buying processes
Learn About Group PurchasingTrane energy experts helping you make sense of upgrade opportunities and financial strategies for your school
Explore Financing & Energy Services ContractingHaving a plan when funding runs out: Your strategy can account for long-term needs assessments and preventative maintenance to help with costs down the line.
It’s simple: just pay in advance for Trane HVAC equipment, installation and services and you’ll save significantly on them. Customizable and flexible for each of your initiatives, and allowing for variable payment amounts and dates, ADP can help your school in the short- and long-term.
Additional benefits include:
The current influx of federal funding provides a rare opportunity to make facilities upgrades that can help make an impact beyond just the walls of the building. Learn what type of projects can make schools better for students, staff, the environment and your operating budget.
Read it nowOver half of the nation’s school have at least one critical system that needs updating or replacement. What about yours? Did you know your district can upgrade to new HVAC technology with minimal direct spending? Learn the basics of a multi-source funding strategy.
Read it nowWhile deadlines are rapidly approaching, it’s still not too late for your federal funds to make a difference. With our proven collaborations with over 2,000 school districts on maximizing theirs, we know we can help you, too.