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As more buildings begin to decarbonize to comply with regulatory demands and climate commitments, commercial spaces require additional solutions beyond electrified HVAC systems to meet decarbonization goals. Trane® / Mitsubishi Electric HEAT2O is a heat pump designed to produce high volume hot water supplies while reducing energy consumption.
Energy-efficient and environmentally friendly, HEAT2O uses natural CO2 as its refrigerant with a global warming potential (GWP) of one and an ozone depletion potential (ODP) of zero.
*Available only in select markets
Electrify commercial hot water supplies - in any building, anywhere.
HEAT2O offers annual energy savings of up to 60 - 70% compared to electric-resistance water heaters. Combined with other utility incentives, these savings can ultimately offset first costs.
HEAT2O produces four times more energy (as heat) than it consumes in electricity. With such high efficiency, this system is better for the planet and your facility.
HEAT2O can operate at high capacity even in cold climates. Down to -13° F outside, the system can still supply 176° F hot water at 50% of the heating capacity.
HEAT2O can be scaled to meet the domestic hot water needs of any size multifamily building or large-scale commercial facilities.
Download our brochure.
Chillers today can do more than cool spaces. Many models can be configured with heat pumps and heat recovery to provide simultaneous cooling and heating.
The Trane® / Mitsubishi Electric VRF portfolio is versatile and provides highly efficient, zoned heating and cooling to keep occupants comfortable, even in cold climates.
Packaged Units and Split Systems
For small and mid-sized commercial buildings, Trane has multiple choices. Each delivers efficient and effective heating with integrated heat pumps and hybrid systems
The all-electric Storage Source Heat Pump system leverages thermal energy storage to provide cooling and heating. It captures waste energy to eliminate traditional heating equipment that relies on fossil fuels.
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