Students in front of screen in atrium of modern university
The Right Balance of Energy Efficiency and Quiet Operation
The ACS model, part of Trane’s Ascend™ line of air-cooled chillers,
offers just the right balance of energy efficiency and quiet
operation. ACS models, in particular, are optimized for part-load
efficiencies, making them ideal for buildings with a large amount of
off-peak operation
child with technology tablet and laptop computer in classroom teacher on the background
Choose the sound treatment that’s right for you
ACS chillers offer flexible acoustic options, allowing you to choose
the level of sound treatment that best meets application requirements,
with packages that offer sound levels as low as 95 dBA at AHRI®
conditions for full-load operations. As a result, ACS chillers are
especially well-suited for residential or school environments where
sound sensitivity is a top priority
The CGAM air-cooled scroll chiller offers efficient, flexible and
quiet operation. It offers the perfect combination of sound and
efficiency for your small jobs.