Trane Hosts First London High Performance Buildings Showcase

September 21, 2011


London, September 21, 2011 – Trane is introducing its High Performance Buildings continuum of offers at a unique showcase on Thursday, September 22. Trane is a brand of Ingersoll-Rand plc (NYSE:IR), a world leader in creating and sustaining safe, comfortable and efficient environments. The introduction is part of an effort to help European building owners realize significant financial and operational savings.

Trane High Performance Buildings complement building industry standards and help owners link the physical environment of a building to a business mission. Trane applies a unique methodology that combines financial, operating and energy analysis with specialized systems and services.

“Buildings account for 40 percent of European energy consumption,” said Manlio Valdes, president of Trane and Thermo King in the Europe, Middle East, India and Africa (EMEIA) region. “Adopting high performance building concepts can reduce energy and operating expenses by 30 to 50 percent over a building’s life cycle. Just as important, these concepts can improve the safety, comfort and productivity of building occupants.”

Trane is hosting thought leaders from the public and private sectors to explain and demonstrate high performance buildings, and to discuss the financially-driven business case for energy and operating efficiencies at 9:00 BST at the Sofitel Hotel, Terminal 5, London Heathrow Airport (TW6 2GD London, UK).

About the Program (Full Agenda at End of Release)

The program begins with a welcome from Manlio Valdes and a presentation by Chris Webber, senior editor of the Economist Intelligence Unit.

Webber will share results of a 2011 C-level executive study: Unlocking the Benefits of Energy Efficiency: An Executive Dilemma.” The study offers insights into the effectiveness of corporate energy programs, gaps and executive-level requirements that need to be addressed in order to achieve success.

Michel van Roozendaal, vice president of service, controls, turnkey and aftermarket for Trane in EMEIA, will then outline the Trane High Performance Buildings methodology and guide a panel discussion called “Industry Insights into High Performance Buildings.”

Panelists include:

  • Andrew Eastwell – chief executive, Building Services Research and Information Association (BSRIA)
  • Andy Ford – president, Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE)
  • Paul Huggins – head of ECA, Carbon Trust
  • Louis J. Ronsivalli, Jr. – global Trane service offer development leader, Ingersoll Rand
  • Martin Townsend – director, Building Research Establishment (BRE)
  • Jim White – UK operations manager, Norland - Morgan Stanley

Following the panel discussion, attendees will hear luncheon remarks from Andrew Warren, director of the Association for the Conservation of Energy. Warren will discuss the current trends and government policies that help organizations become more energy efficient and help them on their high performance building journey.

After lunch, Trane is presenting its “Energy Efficiency Leader Award” to Arora Hotels for its commitment to sustainability. The Hotel’s completed upgrades link the physical environment of the hotel to the company’s business objectives. This approach represents a key step in Arora Hotels’ journey toward high performance building.

These infrastructure solutions also reflect the company’s strong environmental ethos evident in commitments to staff training on environmental issues, supporting a ‘green team’ based in each hotel, investing in water-saving and high-efficiency technologies, and recycling all waste. Arora Hotels also conducts annual environmental audits of its hotels to ensure compliance with environmental policy and to measure progress in key environmental areas.

Manlio Valdes will present the award to Surinder Arora, CEO and founder of Arora Hotels and Sofitel London. Building tours will commence following the award presentation.

About Trane High Performance Buildings - Europe

Trane High Performance Buildings is an approach to creating safe, comfortable and efficient buildings.

The approach takes building owners and C-level executives through a six step methodology: 1) understanding the company’s mission as well as European Union and national regulations and requirements; 2) conducting a whole-building, whole-lifecycle system performance assessment; 3) using energy modeling to simulate conservation measures, collect data and analyze savings; 4) providing predictive maintenance solutions that tie building performance to mission and operating objectives; 5) providing customer-specific turnkey solutions to improve energy efficiency at every phase, from design to service; and 6) completing measurement and validation to ensure that the building is operating as promised, including country-specific inspection services for Energy Performance Buildings Directive compliance.

The benefits of Trane High Performance Buildings include maximized value and return on invested capital of an asset; application of leading edge technology to use knowledge and data about the building to make decisions; an ideal indoor environment for occupants; and a sustainable building that is environmentally responsible and good for business.

Trane High Performance Buildings complements the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDTM) certification process used throughout Europe, along with the Europe 2020 Initiative, Energy Efficiency Plan 2011, UK Green Deal and Carbon Reduction Commitment, and other European Union and member country energy-efficiency initiatives.

For more information about high performance buildings, visit