Enhances Comfort and Indoor Air Quality
This unique system allows for decoupling of the latent and sensible loads within a space to optimize the energy required to provide precision ventilation, humidity and temperature control to each zone.
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Pre-Engineered by Trane
Pre-Engineered by Trane
This unique system allows for decoupling of the latent and sensible loads within a space to optimize the energy required to provide precision ventilation, humidity and temperature control to each zone.
Variable speed fan control allows for just the right amount of ventilation air at any given time. This maintains indoor air quality (IAQ) while minimizing the amount of energy required for a comfortable, well-ventilated space.
Because incoming ventilation air is already dehumidified by the DOAS unit, the zone-level terminal units stay moisture-free, simplifying maintenance. Additionally, the system’s design makes it easy to re-configure for changing building needs.
Tracer® SC+ Building Automation System
Tracer® SC+ is a powerful building automation system that integrates systems to simplify command and provide better control over comfort and efficiency. Pre-engineered into every SC+ are Tracer® System Applications, which help ensure best-possible performance while making it easy for engineers to design and simple for operators to use. Built on a foundation of open, industry-standard protocols, including BACnet, LonTalk, and Modbus, Tracer SC+ provides robust support for equipment from all generations and including both Trane and non-Trane.
Trane’s water-cooled chiller portfolio delivers an innovative product lineup that meets a variety of application challenges. Our CenTraVac® chiller is one of the industry's quietest, most reliable and efficient low-emission chillers.
CoolSense® Sensible Cooling (DOAS)Terminal Unit
CoolSense® Sensible Cooling (DOAS)Terminal Units are specifically designed to help maintain zone-level comfort in modern buildings with tight envelopes and lower sensible loads. Maintain occupant comfort with localized control over temperature and ventilation, all while keeping energy use and cost in check.
Air-Fi® Wireless Communications
A communicating and sensing technology that allows the different parts of a building system, from your HVAC and building controllers, to communicate wirelessly.
Horizon® Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems
For buildings with the highest performance requirements, Trane’s Horizon Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS) helps improve indoor air quality (IAQ) to keep your building optimized and your people comfortable. It eliminates excess moisture, preventing discomfort and the health risks associated with mold and microbial growth. Horizon DOAS is designed specifically to condition 100% outside air year-round, reduce latent loads, enhance the entire building system's comfort and energy efficiency, and maintain your building’s health.
Our Tracer SC+ building automation system allows for a balanced approach between comfort and energy efficiency. Built-in applications, like Trim and Respond, efficiently coordinates system components and optimizes setpoints. Beyond connection and coordination, Air-Fi wireless can provide communication flexibility for the future.
Trane applications engineers discuss system design and control strategies for various types of chilled-water terminal systems, including fan-coils, chilled beams, and radiant cooling.