1 Uptime Institute’s Annual Outage Analysis, 2023
2 Ibid
3 Uptime Institute’s Annual Outage Analysis, 2023

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According to a recent study, more than half of global data centers have experienced an outage in the past three years. Nearly 16% of these operators suffered losses of more than $1 million1. While power issues remain the primary cause of data center downtime, cooling problems account for nearly 20% of all outages2.
So, what can you do to make sure your HVAC system is reliable as possible?
Like all technology, HVAC equipment and controls continuously evolve. Are you using the most advanced system you could be? An advanced, robust HVAC system operates as a single computer networking unit, controlling and monitoring building-wide assets. At its most basic there are 3 key components:
The robust data collected by an advanced equipment controller can tell you not only about your current state, but also help you identify and fix issues before they affect your operations.
Many data centers like yours rely on Connected Services from Trane to monitor their system’s health and performance, watch for anomalies and detect problems early. When an issue is identified, we’ll fix it remotely when we can or notify you if further action is needed based on the guidelines you establish as a part of your service relationship.
Our specialists examine details within your HVAC system to anticipate potential failures. For example:
While HVAC-related issues rank among the least common causes of data center downtime3, they are arguably among the most preventable. Unlike network connectivity glitches or power failures stemming from third-party providers, you have significant control over your data center's cooling infrastructure.
Take proactive measures now to safeguard, optimize and ensure the smooth operation of your cooling infrastructure, maximizing uptime for the benefit of both your customers and your company's bottom line.
1 Uptime Institute’s Annual Outage Analysis, 2023
2 Ibid
3 Uptime Institute’s Annual Outage Analysis, 2023
Company embraces high tech and high touch to achieve climate and other goals.
When Rockwall County, Texas, needed to expand its jail facilities, it turned to the Brandt Companies, Trane and others to get the job done. The team helped build an 83,000 square-foot addition and shepherd it through the state’s rigorous oversight process.
Data Centers
Trane Services
Company embraces high tech and high touch to achieve climate and other goals.
When Rockwall County, Texas, needed to expand its jail facilities, it turned to the Brandt Companies, Trane and others to get the job done. The team helped build an 83,000 square-foot addition and shepherd it through the state’s rigorous oversight process.
When Rockwall County, Texas, needed to expand its jail facilities, it turned to the Brandt Companies, Trane and others to get the job done. The team helped build an 83,000 square-foot addition and shepherd it through the state’s rigorous oversight process.