Trane has paired applications knowledge and expertise with its extensive equipment and controls offerings to provide variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems solutions. This fully integrated, high-performing HVAC system solution is designed to deliver customized comfort throughout any commercial space. Regardless of the capacity, energy efficiency, functionality or performance-monitoring requirements, our VRF Systems Solutions, featuring Trane® / Mitsubishi Electric VRF Technology, are designed to exceed the comfort and sustainability goals established for commercial building projects.
System Type: Heat Pump or Heat Recovery?
One of the largest benefits of a VRF system is that the indoor units
utilize coils which can heat or cool the zones. Heat pump system
configurations can either completely cool or completely heat all the
zones it serves. In a Heat Recovery system each individual zone can
either heat or cool as needed. When simultaneously cooling and heating
in a heat recovery system, energy can be transferred from one space to
condition another.
Humidity Control: To what level will you manage humidity in your building?
Humidity management is an often-overlooked decision. In many system
designs, the ventilation equipment is sized to simply treat the
outdoor air to a space neutral dew-point temperature. This would be an
example of outdoor air treatment only. However, careful selection of
both the terminal system at design- and part-load operation, as well
as ventilation systems are necessary if space humidity is a concern.
Ventilation System: How will ventilation air be conditioned—energy recovery ventilator or dedicated outdoor air system?
At a minimum, a filter and fan setup is required to supply
ventilation air to a building. Many building energy codes also require
exhaust-air energy recovery. As a result, a basic ventilation system
might consist of an energy recovery ventilator (ERV). For additional
air treatment—including humidity control—a dedicated outdoor air
system (DOAS) would likely be required.
System Control: How will the system be controlled?
Finally, controls are necessary to enable and operate the VRF and
ventilation systems. In some applications, it might be acceptable to
control both systems independently. In other cases, close coordination
may require an integrated control system.
Trane® Horizon® Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems are designed
specifically to condition up to 100% of outdoor air year-round, reduce
latent loads, enhance the entire building system’s comfort and energy
efficiency, and maintain your building’s indoor air quality.
Trane® / Mitsubishi Electric VRF products include a variety of outdoor units, indoor units, ventilation solutions, controls, and more to design a complete VRF system for any building.